Monday 26 May 2014

Simple Trick To Find Facebook Profile ID

Simple Trick To Find Facebook Profile ID

facebook trick

This is the trick which will let you get profile id of any person who got custom username. Check below image and see how URL of facebook profile looks before and after custom username.

How To Get Facebook Profile Id ?

In case of Profile ID before custom username you can easily identify it by looking at Profile URL, But in case of profile with custom username its not same. Below are simple steps to find Profile ID having custom username.
  • Go to the profile you want to find Profile ID
  • That URL will look like this
  • Change that URL to
  • Then you will get something like below image.
facebook trick 
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Download Winspy Keylogger - Best Email Hacking Software

Download Winspy Keylogger - Best Email Hacking Software

In my life I've had chance to test all most all the key-loggers that are popular today, Except for Winspy . Last month I got many emails from my blog readers asking me various questions such as Is winspy a good keylogger? How is its performance ? and other questions related to Winspy, So i decided to Buy this Keylogger so as to write a review on it. So i bought winspy Key logger last week ,To be frank this Key logger hassurprised me! it has  some unique and superb features like  monitoring web cams monitoring emails ..etc, But these features are also found in other key loggers. The one feature that makes this key logger Stand out from the rest is its totally stealth (i.e) Totally undetectable by all the anti viruses, which is simply amazing. So if your looking to buy a spy software i would surely recommend you to buy Winspy key logger. Its 100 %worth your money.

Winspy Keylogger - Best Spy Software

About Winspy :-
Winspy keylogger is a Complete Stealth Monitoring Package that can spy on both your Local PC and Remote PC. It includes Remote Install and Realtime Remote PC Viewer. Win Spy Software will capture anything the user sees or types on the keyboard. A special hotkey is used to login and access the program. Users will not be able to terminate or uninstall Win-Spy.

Win-Spy Software operates in stealth mode. It will not appear in Windows Start, System Tray, Desktop, Task Manager or Add/Remove Programs.

Win Spy Features:
  1. Monitor Chat Room (dual side) and web activity
  2. Remote Monitor any Email
  3. Remote Monitor children’s activity on any PC
  4. Monitor Cheating Spouse 
  5. Records any Password (Email, Login, Instant Messenger etc.)
  6. Monitor Multiple Pc
  7. Monitor Remote PC Webcam
  8. Its Totally Stealth (i.e) Totally undetectable 

For more information on this Spy software and download details Please visit the following link

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Thursday 22 May 2014

5 Linux Penetration Testing Distributions for Hackers

5 Linux Penetration Testing Distributions for Hackers

Linux has gained popularity in the area of penetration testing and information security. Not just because of its security but because of its efficiency because most Pen testing Linux distros can be just  booted using your flash drive or a live CD . These live penetration testing distros contains a package of tools for hacking or cracking a system. Each pentesting distro has its own pros, cons So I've decided to write a review on my 5 favorite Penetrating Distros that i have used

BackTrack 5

BackTrack is a most famous and widely used Pen-tester distribution out there.The evolution of BackTrack spans many years of development, penetration tests, and unprecedented help from the security community. BackTrack originally started with earlier versions of live Linux distributions called Whoppix, IWHAX, and Auditor. BackTrack 5 R3 is the latest version that has been released, it has more than  350 security tools to perform pen-testing. BackTrack is one of my favorite pentesting distros that can run on a live CD or flash drive. Ideal for wireless cracking, exploiting, web application assessment, learning, or social-engineering a client


BackBox is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It has been developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. Designed to be fast, easy to use and provide a minimal yet complete desktop environment, thanks to its own software repositories, always being updated to the latest stable version of the most used and best known ethical hacking tools


Blackbuntu is another penetration testing distro based on Ubuntu obviously because of its name. It uses GNOME as its DE and uses the Ubuntu 10.10 release. The categories of its tools include Information Gathering, Network Mapping, Vulnerability Identification, Penetration, Privilege Escalation, Maintaining Access, Radio Network Analysis, VOIP Analysis, Digital Forensic, Reverse Engineering and other Miscellaneous tools like macchanger and lynis auditing tools


As the name suggests this distribution is based on Knoppix and STD stands for Security Tools Distribution. This distribution didn’t get any update (like most pen-test distros) in a long time and might not work on some new hardwares but they have a fairly good collection of tools. fluxbox is used for desktop environment.


Peento is a smart and well equipped linux distro with various tools, based on Gentoo.It's basically a gentoo install with lots of customized tools, customized kernel, and much more

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Sunday 18 May 2014

Hack Email accounts Using a Hardware Keylogger

Hack Email accounts Using a Hardware Keylogger

Did you know key logging is the simplest way to hack email accounts ? So far in this blog I've  discussed about software key loggers such as Sniperspy for Windows , Sniperspy For Mac and  Realtimespy.

Software Key loggers are not the only keyloggers that are used for hacking email or facebook accounts, there's an other type of keyloggers and they are called  Hardware keyloggers.In this article i'll explain how you can hack facebook or any other email account using a hardware keyloggers

Hardware Keyloggers are used for keystroke logging, a method of capturing and recording computer user keystrokes. They plug in between a computer keyboard and a computer and log all keyboard activity to an internal memory. They are designed to work with PS/2 keyboards, and more recently with USB keyboards.

A hardware keylogger looks like a normal USB drive or any other computer peripheral so that the victim can never doubt that it is a keylogger, So by looking at it’s appearance it is impossible to identify it as a keylogger., Here is how a hardware keylogger may look like

How To Use HardWare Key logger to Hack Facebook account?

Installation of a Hardware key logger is very easy, Simply plug the Hardware keylogger in between the USB keyboard and the USB port.The following image shows how a keylogger is installed.

Once installed the keylogger starts recording each and every keystroke of the keyboard including email passwords and other confidential information.and stores them in separate log files as shown

Thus a hacker can use the information stored in a Hardware key logger to hack Face book or any other email account

Which is the Best Hardware Keylogger  ?

With my experience of more than 4 years in the field of  Hacking and security I suggest only one Hardware key logger KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger which I think is best and has a very low antivirus detection

KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger
KeyCobra is the world's smallest and smartest USB hardware keylogger. The KeyCobraUSB keyboard logger comes in a standard version (4MB memory capacity which can capture  2,000,000 keystrokes - over 1,000 pages of text), and a Venom Version (2GB memory capacity -which can capture billion keystrokes - over 1 million pages of text),  Its Completely invisible for computer operation,  It is also  compatible with Mac.Visit the official website of KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger for more information From Here 

So what are you waiting for, Grab a KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger, and start hacking your friends ,You Can Buy a KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger  From the Following Link

                        Buy KeyCobra Hardware Keylogger

continue reading Hack Email accounts Using a Hardware Keylogger

Wednesday 14 May 2014

gmail email Bomber

Hi friends today i am posting here on email bombing application.

As you see heading of this article we are working with this application as same as topic.
so, starting with its working i can say that it can bomb email on your victims email account.
In most of you may think that it is trozan or keylogger but it is 100% secure. so if any one of you wants to know that this is virus or not can check on online antivirus which have more than 30 antiviruses there.


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